web Robert DEROME
Les sources iconographiques
des portraits fictifs du père jésuite Jacques Marquette

1895 Charles Mills - Ford & Brooks

« Artist: Charles E. Mills (1856-1956). Manufacturer: Ford & Brooks. Date: 1895. Type: Plated opalescent. Funded by: Class of 1875. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, Memorial Hall.

In the left half Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (1643-1687), a French explorer, wears a dark red mantle that falls below his knees and has a high collar and cuffs turned back deeply at the wrists. Under it is a black coat to mid-thigh with a red sash and a white scarf or necktie showing at the neck. In his right hand he holds a heavy sabre and in his left he holds a half unrolled scroll with its red seal hanging.

In the right half Jacques Marquette (1637-1675, a Jesuit Missionary who was sent to work among the Native Americans of Canada, particularly those around the Great Lakes. In 1673, in company with Louis Joliet, he reached and descended part way down the Mississippi, even before La Salle had explored it to its lower reaches. He is portrayed here as preaching to Native Americans. He wears a black clerical hat and a black clerical cassock nearly to his knees. The cassock has a dark blue sash at the waist with a rosary tucked through it whose cross hangs down to his thigh. His right arm is raised holding a small crucifix. »

Photographed by: Stephen Sylvester and Yosi A.R-Pozeilov. Digital Imaging and Photography Group Harvard College Libraries. Photo éclaircie par rapport à la source. Merci à la collaboration de Ruth D. Nelson.

Ce costume, chapeau et gourde, utilisé dans ce vitrail en 1895, fait penser aux Pilgrims, Quakers ou autres Puritans, contemporains de Marquette, venus apporter leur foi en Nouvelle-Angleterre au XVIIe siècle.

Il correspond, par exemple, à ce stréréotype qui lui est contemporain : celui fabriqué, en 1899, par l'influent sculpteur américain Augustus Saint-Gaudens.

Image de droite : Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907), The Puritan, ca. 1899, bronze, 31" x 19"1/2 x 13"1/4 (78,7 x 49,5 x 33,7 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of the Samuel D. Chapin Family, 2001.21. Source.


web Robert DEROME